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Symonston ACT 2609

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How to Budget Better

31/01/2024 00:00 AM
Becoming a better budgeter can help you save more, invest more and get ahead on your home loan.  To stay on top of your finances, there are two broad approaches you can take. The first is to...

4 reasons to use a mortgage broker

17/01/2024 00:00 AM
A home loan is likely to be the most significant personal financial commitment you'll ever make, so it makes sense to use the experts. With so many mortgage alternatives on the...

Key questions to ask yourself before buying property

03/01/2024 18:00 PM
You need two essential skills when buying a property: the ability to recognize the home of your dreams when you see it and, to stay within budget. If you believe that's pretty...

Happy New Year. Its 2024!

01/01/2024 00:00 AM
Wishing you a prosperous New Year filled with joy, success, and prosperity!   Let Dream Catchers Lending secure your dreams in the New Year! Partner with us, your trusted mortgage broker, to...

23% of buyers from interstate

28/12/2023 00:00 AM
More and more people buying real estate across state boundaries An increasing number of property investors are buying interstate, potentially because they’re chasing affordability,...

Happy Holidays!

24/12/2023 00:00 AM
Wishing you a wonderful festive season!  Whether you're staying home or heading away, there is nothing better than sleeping in, enjoying good food and spending quality time...

Making a Move? Selling & Buying Property Simplified!

08/11/2023 18:00 PM
Ready to sell your current property and purchase a new one? Here's a quick guide for a smooth transition: Evaluate Your Current Property: Assess its value and condition....

Mortgage repayments can be paid fortnightly or monthly. What is better option?

13/10/2023 00:00 AM
Fortnightly or Monthly? Deciding between fortnightly and monthly mortgage repayments depends on your personal financial situation and preferences. Each option has its own advantages...


20/09/2023 00:00 AM
Four refinancing tips as clock ticks on mortgage incentives Up to 30 lenders have been competing for this potential business, offering lucrative cashback offers from $2,000 to...

Property listings rise

14/08/2023 00:00 AM
Vendors reduce asking prices as property listings rise In good news for buyers, there's been an increase in the number of properties listed for sale, as well as an increase in the...